Ethiopian Historic Route, Ethiopian Great Rift Valley and Afar by flight

This northern Ethiopian historic route trip is a trip to the “historic pilgrimage’. Among the Nine world heritage sites in Ethiopia which were registered by UNESCO, 3 of them are worth to be visited in this historic route. UNESCO as a world heritage acknowledges the Lalibella Rock churches, the 17th century Gonderian castles, single standing stlea of Axum and the breathtaking semein mountain national park. Ethiopia is also stand at the first rank in Africa for its Nine World heritage sites


Day 1

Addis Ababa -Semera

Fly to Semera and on the same day drive to Kurswad via Afdera. On the way visit lake Afdera. Overnight camping at kurswad. Early in the morning around 3am visit the active Volcano in Ertale and then return to the camping site for breakfast.

Day 2

Ertale - Dallol

In the morning after breakfast, drive to Dallol. On the way visit the salt mining market and caravans of camels. Overnight at Hamedila

Day 3

Dalol - Addis Ababa

In the morning after breakfast, visit the beautiful and colorful Dallol creator and then afterwards, drive back to Semera and fly to Addis Overnight Nexus Hotel


Day 4

Addis Ababa - Bahir dar

Early in the morning, depart on a flight for Bahir Dar. After arrival, take a boat trip on Lake Tana to visit a selection of the monasteries hidden on the islands and shores of this sacred lake. Visit the Zege Penninsula and the monasteries of Azuwa Maryam and Ura Kidane Mehret. In the afternoon, drive out to the Blue Nile Falls for a short hike in the area. Finish the day with the sunset over the lake. Overnight in Bahir Dar Delano Hotel.

Day 5


After breakfast, continue north to Gondar. The four-hour drive will take you through rural villages, offering wonderful insight into the Amhara culture. After briefly settling in your hotel, explore the sites of Gondar, including a visit to the Royal Enclosure, with six castles and several other buildings. Additionally, visit Fasilidas’s Pool, still used for Timket celebrations today, RasGimb Palace Museum and the DebreBirhan Selassie church, with the most famous ceiling paintings in Ethiopia. Overnight Haile Resort Hotel.

Day 6


Today is an early morning departure to Sankober in the Simien Mountains. From here you will go for an easy hike to the Geech Abyss, where you will see a large waterfall where the Jinbar River plunges into the abyss. This area is also a great place for viewing the endemic gelada baboon, also known as the ‘bleeding heart baboon’ due to the red patch of skin on its chest. Overnight in the Simien  Lodge

Day 7


Depart on a  flight to Lalibela, the most famous of all of the Ethiopian historical sites. In the afternoon, start your tour of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, visiting the Northwestern Cluster of churches – Bet MedhaneAlem, Bet Maryam, Bet Meskel, Bet Danaghel, Bet Mikael & Bet Golgotha .Overnight  Sora Lodge.

Day 8


In the morning, visit the nearby monastery of Na’akutoLa’ab, set on the side of a cliff. After the visit, return to Lalibela for lunch and, in the afternoon, visit the Southeastern Cluster of churches – Bet Gabriel-Rufael, Bet Merkorios, Bet Amanual, and Bet Abba Libanos. Finally, you will visit the most famous of all the churches – Bet Giyorgis, constructed in honor of the patron saint of Ethiopia – Saint George. Overnight Sora Lodge

Day 9

Addis Ababa

After breakfast, proceed to the airport for the return flight back to Addis Ababa. Overnight Nexus Hotel

Day 10


After checking in to your hotel head to Chencha to visit  theDorze village which is known for their unique weaving culture including their unique houses and villages. Overnight Haile Hotel Arbaminch

Day 11


Visit Lake Chamo, which is part of the Nechisar NP. The lake is home to a large crocodile population. We will make a boat trip on the lake to see Crocodiles, water birds and Hippos also inhabit the lake and might be spotted. Depart Arba Minch to Turmi via the villages of Konso, home to the Konso people (market days Monday & Thursday), Weyto, home to the Tsemai tribe (market day Saturday), Key Afar, home to the Benna tribe (market day Thursday) and Dimeka (Hamer&Karo market, Tuesday & Saturday). Finally, proceed to Turmi, home of the Hamer tribe. Overnight Buska Lodge

Day 12

Omorate - Turmi

In the morning head to Omorate town to visit the village and culture of Dasenech people who live on the other side of the Omo river after crossing the river with traditional wooden canoe.In the afternoon visit one village of Hamer people near Turmi. Overnight Buska Lodge

Day 13


Depart for Jinka, via Dimeka and Key Afar. Tuesdays and Saturdays are market days in Dimeka, which is one of the most colorful markets in the area and is visited by many tribes, including Hamer, Benna and Karo. Thursday is market day in Key Afar, where you will see the Benna and Tsemai tribes trading goods. This is another very popular market in the region. Overnight Nasa hotel.

Day 14


In the morning, drive through the Mago National Park to a local village of the Mursi tribe. The Mursi women are well known for their lower lip and earlobe plates – the larger the lip plate, the higher the bride price they will get when married. In the afternoon, after returning to Jinka, visit the South Omo Museum & Research Center to learn more about the local tribes. Additionally, take a hike in the surrounding nearby village to visit a local Ari village and learn how the locals do different tasks, such as blacksmith work and distilling the local gin, known as areki. Overnight Nasa hotel

Day 15


Depart from Jinka, drive to Konso via Key Afar. Thursday is market day in Key Afar, where you will see the Benna and Tsemai tribes trading goods. This is one of the most popular markets in the region. The Konso people are known for their wooden statues, known as wakas, which are erected in honor of dead heroes as well as their innovative agricultural terracing. Market days in Konso are Monday and Thursday. Depart from Konso to Arba Minch. Overnight Haile Hotel Arbaminch

Day 16

Addis Ababa

Early in the morning, Fly from Arba Minch back to Addis Ababa. Visit the newly built unity park and in the afternoon head to Entoto mountain for a panoramic view of Addis Ababa.

Farewell dinner with traditional music show and departure